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Minchah Prayer

Father, a new year You have seen us through to and laying out in front of us; Not an accident or a random thing Father. And we look ahead trusting…


“’For I know the plans I have in mind for you,’ says ADONAI, ‘plans for well-being, not for bad things, so that you can have hope and a future, When you call on Me and pray to Me, I will listen to you. When you seek Me, you will find Me, provided you seek for Me wholeheartedly…and I will let you find Me…”’ Jeremiah 29:11 CJB


In You, and You in us, there is well-being, the consequence of knowing You consider each one of us and plan for us… and in that there would be a sense of well-being and assured hope and without doubt… that there is a future we can look forward to.

Father, that we would have oneness of companionship with You in that future, wholeheartedly seeking You, communicating with You unceasingly, casting our anxiousness on You and giving thanks…in all circumstances


Father, a new year traveled one new day at a time…


“But in my mind I keep returning to something, something that gives me hope—

That the grace of ADONAI is not exhausted, that His compassion has not ended.

On the contrary, they are new every morning!

How great Your faithfulness!

“ADONAI is all I have,” I say;

Therefore I will put my hope in Him.”   Lamentations 3:21-24 CJB


You are all powerful and eternal. How encouraging it is Father, how reassuring, when You speak to us, through the psalmist, that Your grace and compassion towards us is inexhaustible, continuing faithfully and will never fail to comfort, to strengthen, to enable us to endure in troubles, to appreciate the blessings and to guide us to do rightly to the end of our days. Your words ring truth in our hearts and minds Father, truth unexplainable to the flesh but undeniably real in our spirits and makes us glad.


“Stop dwelling on past events and brooding over times gone by;

I am doing something new; it’s springing up-can’t you see it? I am making a road in the desert, rivers in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-19 CJB


May we not be made ineffectual in our walk with You, because living in and dwelling in the past.

You are God, God of newness.

You can make all things new.

Past imperfection does not doom us to a future in which we have no hope to do anything that is right or good.

May we mourn our failure before You and towards our fellow man.

May we seek and gratefully accept Your forgiveness.

May we surrender to Your will and trust in Your enabling power, our aim only to glorify You… wholeheartedly.

We want to be a part of that “something new” thing You are doing, that it be in our own hearts and minds, the hearts and minds of others, in heaven and earth, to make all new.

It is You who is our “path in the desert”, our “river in the wasteland”

Why would we fear, why would we doubt?


You are Yehovah God.

You Made us.

We are Yours.

You shepherd us.

May we enter Your gates, enter Your courtyards,

with thanksgiving Father,

with a new song of praise to You,

and forever dwell there with You…


is our prayer Father…

in Yeshua’s name…

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