We are thankful Father for Your Words to us, that within us and from us are alive and give life.
Words of guidance and instruction, words that reveal to our minds and our hearts truths about You and about ourselves:
Words of warning, words of love, words of purpose.
Words that are there for us to make use of.
Words that will remain… only words if we do not take them to heart, trust in them and order our lives by them in all we do.
It is easy for many of us to express thanksgiving, on varying levels and degrees, for the lives we are living… for those and for those things… we have been blessed by …even in the midst of ever present “disturbances” and “disruptions” that are a part of the flow of our lives…and we should choose these to dwell on, be thankful and give thanks for.
But there are those whose lives are truly such, that so much is wrong, and not necessarily of their own doing, that they cannot find in their lives even one thing that would counter a heaviness of spirit, point to even a small hope that there is some good for which to be thankful.
Father, we are many that You have blessed. But even in our blessing and our thanks for them we are not yet perfect, all is not completely as it should be. So in addition to thanks, we confess and pray our need for those living and life giving words… that we would search out and cling to and apply them to our lives and they would do Your work in us to further make us right… until that work is complete in us…until that day in which our thanks to You will not be a prayer of thanks we make in our incompleteness, for what You are going to do, but a prayer of thanks we make as Your completed work… for all that You did do.
Father… our most fervent prayer, even before ourselves is for those at the other end of the spectrum in whom there really isn’t a circumstance in their physical life, or within their spirit even small evidence of… something to give thanks for…
We pray Father that in this instant now and in each progressing moment ahead… in Your wonderful and mysterious ways… unstoppable, no way to prevent against… You would touch those lives of which we speak, and within them would come alive a hope that to them appears out of nowhere… for no reason that they can identify as something good in their lives… but which they will actually experience anyway… and that they would have gladness and it would inspire in them a genuine, even though incomprehensible, sense of thanksgiving… that they would be strengthened, comforted, encouraged… their hearts be awakened to You…reach out to You... grab hold, white knuckled and never let go… be lifted up out of that darkness into Your wonderful, marvelous light.
May Your Words of light and life be planted and take root in us all… through our eyes, through our ears… one to another…
from Your lips… secretly, intimately, not heard by others… but straight to the ears of the seeker, the hearts of the desperate.
May our thanks giving to You be joyfully offered up as we pray Father…
In Yeshua’s name…