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You Are Our Source

2nd Day Prayer

Thank You Father for this bright and beautiful new day, for the sight and sound of loved ones in the house, of folks we are familiar with at work and those we encounter during the day.

Thank You for the richness of blessings we experience through one another. Each of us crafted by You and endowed with our own little characteristics and interests and talents motivate and enhance fellowship with one another. May we not let business and hurry prevent us from taking notice… prevent us from being sensitive and appreciative of other people’s differences and circumstances.

Thank You that in our interactions with one another whether they be pleasant or not, You grow and mature us… when we are willing to be instructed… through one another… that by this path You can train us up to love one another, have a sincere concern and desire for the wellness and well being of those around us… likeable or not, loveable or not… even if the closest we get to doing something about it is a prayer from the heart offered up to You on their behalf.

We pause in the midst of the discordant sounds of people in our homes and community and world, so many people and so many voices, and surround it all with spiritual arms to embrace and speak out over it all, peace and harmony and loving kindness.

And be over us all Father, a cover of compassion, instruction and protection.

You are the source of right thinking and right living and a right heart.

We rely on You for the strength we need to actually do right thinking and right living.

You are the source, Dear Father, of every good and valuable gift, especially the gift of fellow human beings.

May You be glorified through our love for one another.

In Yeshua’s name we pray,



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