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There Is A Scripture 06-24-22

Father, knowing that You care about us, as You do,

and Who we, individually, can truthfully and with complete certainty say of… to anyone …

”He is my friend… He will defend me… He will never abandon me regardless of what is going on around me”…

may we respond from the new heart that is in us by not shying from seeking after Your will for our lives…

or falling prey to a grudging spirit, or a sense of being burdened in doing what You would have us do...

May it instead be one that understands… but is grateful … that to seek Your will and those giftings You provide to accomplish it… that that is for the purpose of work, not just for knowledge…

and it be with a glad heart we be about doing the good You want of us…

May we be glad we have a way and an enablement to glorify You through loving our neighbor…

May the motivation for the works and the spirit in which they are done have in them Your love Father…born and ever growing in our hearts.

Our prayer today… to You we pray…

In Yeshua’s name…


May God’s love be in us all.


“…the Lord looketh on the heart…” 1 Samuel 16:7 AKJV

“…Every man, as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver…” 2 Corinthians 9:7 AKJV


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