Yeshua, You “speak…and eternity filled with Your voice… re-echoes the praise of the Lord.”
You speak to the Father. You know the sound of His voice. You inquire of Him and speak what He would have You speak. You do what He would have You do. You glorify Him.
We watch You Yeshua, and strive to do as You do. You are the perfect example of what a beloved son should be.
Father, thank You so much.
In the beginning You created perfection. And though we have marred it, it is back to perfection that You are leading us.
Even the defect we have brought into it cannot change or hide the wonder and order and beauty of Your creation and Your created beings.
The more we look into and ponder Your creation seeking to know and understand how any of this could be, the more apparent it becomes that You indeed are… and it is…we are… all Your handiwork.
Despite the cracks and smudges, tears and distortions to the original design our disobedience has brought about and even increased, these pale before the order and beauty and wonderment of Your creation, before the potential for good from out of the hearts of Your created ones.
Despite the harm we do to each other we also see and are moved by the power that kindness exercises… that it changes realities of bad to realities of good. And that good we see, that good that is Your character and will, captivates us.
Who is like You?!
Oh to be like You and the world be changed.
Father…we look and see with physical eyes, what You have created in all its vastness, beauty and perfect order.
As we look at it and live in it with one another, reveal more and more of Yourself to us.
May the physical manifestations of Your nature and character and attributes, that we see in Your creation, bring us close to You and unite us with You in a spiritual way.
May we be a physical manifestation in our bodies, in this world, of the spirit of goodness that is You.
May we like Yeshua, speak to You, listen to You, inquire of You and do as You would have us do, physically in our bodies, and spiritually through hearts and minds transformed to be like Yours.
In Yeshua’s name we pray,