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Minchah Prayer - Greet Us

Father, a new day is upon us.

As we wake to it Father, we can greet and be greeted by You and in that beginning, before we give ourselves over to the activities of the day, there is a spot of gladness in our spirit because we have You. And that is our reassurance and encouragement.

Just the thought of You gives calm. We trust in You. We get up, put on our clothes and start the day, continue the week.

We determine to be in Your will, Father. Guide us Father that we will. We apply Your principles and use them as guidelines for our judgments and decisions. Grant us the discernment and wisdom to do so correctly. We strive to engage with an attitude of genuine willingness and helpfulness, not grudging, not conveying a sense of being imposed upon. Craft in us hearts Father, prone to do so. To be like You Father, is what we want. We want to see things as You do, and to do things as You would, and to do so because we truly reverence and fear You, truly love and adore You, truly do, honor and respect and treasure You. Enable us to know You more so that we might.

Thank You Father for that daily first touch in the morning. We so do need it. And even if somehow we didn’t, how diminished the day would be without it.

We whisper gently, Abba, “You are... so awesome. We love You.”

In Yeshua’s name we pray,


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