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Minchah Prayer


Stir in us a curiosity about our fellow man; what is he like, what are his thoughts, what have been the experiences of his life… to the depths that willingness and trust will permit.

You have made us all.

You work in the lives of all Your created beings and we are who we are to the extent that we surrender ourselves to be shaped by You… or don’t.

Within those around us is treasure to be discovered if one is willing to approach and try for it.

It may not always come easily or comfortably. It may be a kind of delight or maybe a turn off.

Our judgments are almost always by way of comparing those others to ourselves. Engaging with them exposes similarities and differences, causes us to consider the meaning of those similarities and differences, maybe reevaluate… reprioritize.

Why is it a surprise Father, how much more there is to another person… depth to what we see… than we, in our preconceived ideas, realize?

Father… knowing that we are all Your creation may we be curious about/interested in… and willing to devote attentiveness to…making contact with the other parts that make up the whole... and to learn through them what You want us to know.

You have created a fullness to be experienced that is so much more than we take advantage of. Grant us the wisdom… and courage… to seek it out.


In Yeshua… our most beloved One’s name… we pray…



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