“Yahweh said, ‘Look, the people are united they all have a single language, and see what they’re starting to do!..
At this rate nothing they set out to accomplish will be impossible for them!’” Genesis 11:6 CJB
By Yahweh’s own word, unity enables accomplishing that which we set our hearts on. Striving for unity as necessary to achievement is a wise start.
A tool for good can be misused though.
Father, when You looked down You did not find those people unified in anything but making a name for themselves. When they should have been building for Your glory they were instead focused on glorifying themselves. Following their own visions and accomplishing them in their own power they set You apart and went on, on their own.
You have blessed our country, not just in the variety and abundance of natural resources but also with a history of achievement that is remarkable.
And it is because the actual moral law and the spirit of it has been the foundation for our visions and laws. We have waxed and waned, as a nation, in our adherence to these but have never struck out on our own, never totally excluded You and Your ways in our vision making and the carrying of them, out… but in these times we are straying… at a rapid rate.
There is a call for unity and a return to the path we struck out on in our beginning… following the sign posts of Your moral instruction, that even when we fell short, enabled us to be convicted, repent, make corrections and continue to reap Your blessing.
There is a great deal of rhetoric about how, with Your help and in unity, we will return to those ways and be “better than ever”.
The question and prayer is Father, “better than ever” by what standard, by whose determination and to whose glory?
We could Father, become conceited and arrogant and be big declarers of what we have done. It’s what happens when You answer prayer and bless with success. Somehow the signposts are ignored, praise is forgotten, humility disappears. We don’t need guidance, we are great, we are exceptional. We can accomplish anything we set our minds to.
Father, that we might indeed unify in belief and trust in You… that it become our nature to love You and then our neighbor, for a start...
in that unity may we seek Your will and follow Your ways to heal this nation and as You bless Father, in very humble gratitude, give You the credit, give You the glory,.. and never stray from that.
You… Father… are awesome! The Wonderful One! Our strength and peace and hope!
Our hope for greatness and that we may truly achieve it… may it be that something we strive for… in humble understanding that it is only possible if we are one with You… only possible in Your strength and wisdom.
May we find unity and true freedom and fearlessness in a true love for You and glad obedience to You.
Father... Father… softly and boldly… Praise and glory to You!!!
In Yeshua’s name we pray…