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Minchah Prayer

Father, we pray now our ongoing prayer that Your enemies be defeated… for the war against You and Yours has been ongoing from the beginning and Your enemies still survive and continue on every front.

There may have been “cease fires” along the way, but the lulls between have never extended into peace.

But in the midst of the tragedies of this ongoing war, You have chosen to perform rescues, the miraculous… unexplainable except that they are acts of Your doing.


The war of our prayer Father, today is in Israel. We pray for those rescues You perform, like in the past, in this case for those noncombatants that have been taken captive and we know, without Your intervention will be terribly treated.


Please Father, shield them, stand between them and the evil intentions of their captors, enable them to endure, to have hope, may they find strength in comforting one another, give them a sense of Your presence, quiet the fear and terror… Father… would You please… please…


Rescue them… rescue them Father… we pray…


In Yeshua’s name…



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