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Minchah Prayer

“…Everyone is to obey the governing authorities. For there is no authority that is not from God, and the existing authorities have been placed where they are by God…” Romans 13:1 CJB

Father… if one who has attained position of authority declares publicly that to have been so placed is… Your doing… is that something that detractors can refer to… with a rather condescending, all knowing, aloofness as…”a bit of a humble brag …”, that such a person and those like him, have a world view that is the Bible world view, as if it should be something separate, and that these are people…”Fundamentalists” who are more “divisive than divine”?

We know words like these are coming yet they catch us off guard from time to time and the depth of intentional untruth at worst, lack of understanding at best, brings the pain of hurt first… followed closely by anger…then… with Your help… thoughts taken captive… forgiveness and patience.

Father, people of influence and persuasion purposely misinterpret to mischaracterize Your Word and those who strive to apply it.

Those who believe that You work in their lives to place each where You would have them serve, with appropriate influence and authority, don’t brag about this as a way to self aggrandize themselves but instead understand that Your purposes are to be served and that it is not by their strength but Yours that this will be known and done. There is responsibility and accountability and a weighing out ultimately of whether or not and the extent to which… they have been faithful gatekeepers and protectors for what is good. This is the spirit and intent of those words and what our leaders should be expressing as they speak Your Word… publicly witnessed… to remind and encourage each another. It is a serious and worthy business they are about, not to be hindered by mockery.

Father, we do indeed pray that “The People’s House” is back and that it is back in shared like mindedness that they are not there by coincidence or for achieving some dedicated self interest, and employ tactics which are the causes of division.

We pray that the disagreements will be worked through in submission to Your Good Holy Spirit that has as its purpose the good of all those represented by the whole house and above all… Your Glory!

For now Father…in every way possible… and to the extent it depends on each one of us individually… strengthen and guide us to live in peace with all people… striving to good… and leaving vengeance to You… out of fear Father… out of conscience… out of love.

Oh Gracious… Abba… Dear Father… we pray,

In Yeshua’s name…


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Minchah Prayer

We are thankful Father for Your Words to us, that within us and from us are alive and give life. Words of guidance and instruction, words...


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