Minchah Prayer
Our days are in Your hands Father.
We make our plans. You guide our footsteps.
Bring the prayer of Your Saint to fruition in us Father… we pray;
that Your Spirit… Yeshua… dwell in our hearts…
we be thereby…” rooted and grounded in love…”
blessed to experience the love of Yeshua for us…
able to ” comprehend the breadth, and length, and depth, and height…”
” be filled with all the fullness”… of You…
To know the fear of You and the love for You that humbles and bows us before You…
that inspires awe and marveling at the works of Your hands…
that swells our hearts and releases from our lips…worship Father, and praise…
that makes us sensitive to Your promptings…be in anticipation of them…and eager to respond in obedience…
that draws us to You in prayer and intimate communion…
draws us into a never ending searching into Your Word that continually provides from never ending supply, knowledge and truth You have placed there for us to find…
that takes away fear and gives peace.
Father…may we continue to grow in knowledge of You… and fullness…
Grow stronger and stronger in faith and trust…
Thank You for…and in Yeshua’s name… we pray…
Ephesians 3:19-19 AKJV