“…Two men went up to the Temple to pray, one a Parush and the other a tax collector…” Luke 18:10 CJB.
Father… how careful we should be as to how we view ourselves…and make judgments about our standing or other's, with You.
If we say…”It’s alright... God knows my heart” may it not come from a judgment we ourselves have made about our own goodness, flippantly brushing aside a misstep as if it was insignificant and has no weight, is not worth noting, because, “Look at all the good things I do. Really… I am a good person... You know my heart.”
May we not presume to define to You what is good and more… who is good.
May we come from a point of conviction and true apology for our misstep, acknowledging, and without creating excuses in our confession to You… that we recognize we fall short of the good You mean us to be and so, even in our strivings to be so… we are not yet there…and anything less is not the goal…and
“Father… You know my heart…that I long to be as You would have me be and I pursue that goal through the victories and the failures.
Help me Father, please, I pray… imperfection that I am, but lover of You and Your ways… because I am not… and cannot be that good person You want me to be, on my own.
You are the essence of love and grace.
You are all knowing, and see my heart… its intent and the love that inspires that intent and renewed effort.
You are Father and will hold love above judgment for those who look to You.
In the knowledge of that we can have assurance and hope and humbly bow before You…
And safely say…
“Father… You know my heart.”
Give us wisdom Father… and caution… before uttering ourselves… or before judging others who utter… “You know my heart.”
We love You Oh Gentle, Strong, and Faithful One.
May You be glorified by Your Goodness taking root and fruiting within us.
In Yeshua’s name we pray…