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Minchah Prayer

“A song of ascents:

When ADONAI restored Tziyon;s fortunes,

We thought we were dreaming.

Our mouths were full of laughter,

And our tongues shouted for joy…” Psalm 126:1(0)-2 CJB

“…a time to weep and a time to laugh,

a time to mourn and a time to dance…” Ecclesiastes (Kohelet) 3:4 CJB

Father, when Your Word speaks to us of the restoration of fortunes we know that it was from a place of misfortune that they had been delivered… from a season of weeping to laughter, from mourning to dancing. And we get a sense that it is as normal and right that we weep as well as laugh, that we mourn as well as dance… not one to the exclusion of the other but each in its own time for its own time.

You have created for everything a purpose and a right time.

Father may we not think our faith weak or we are out of fellowship with You if we rather weep than laugh, if we mourn and don’t want to dance. After all, have You not set apart seasons for these that enable us to cope with grief and loss, cope when we are affected by forces at play over which we have no control?

Father, be with us, walk with us in and through each of these seasons so that we don’t become downcast, but remain faithful in all our ways to Your Ways…

And may we experience as well those other seasons… of joy and laughter, and times of dancing You have made as well.

May You be glorified.

In Yeshua’s name we pray.



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