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Minchah Prayer 08-31-22

Updated: Sep 9, 2022

I met an older gentleman the other day, Father…but You already know that… and he had such a comfortable, friendly demeanor as if he were completely at home and comfortable where he was, talking to someone he didn’t know as if he did.

And he told me…and You know this too…how he would pray each day for You to send those divine appointments his way You would have him make contact with and how rewarding it was when the Spirit prompted and he responded…and how there had been times he was prompted, he had not responded, and how guilty he had felt… I think a kind of guilt one would feel for having disappointed someone…or missed out on taking part in something that could have been a positive thing, for someone carrying something heavy around and then out of nowhere a bit of light for them and things, then, a little better than they had been.

And he related how, surprisingly, people had confided private things and been willing, appreciative, for the offer of prayer on their behalf.

But I don’t think it’s so surprising to him anymore. In my mind, I suspect he has come to expect it and it shows because there is no hesitancy or searching for introductory words, just conversation, just normal conversation about normal things. And there is a confidence and ease about it all that would make one feel he was not being intrusive… more importantly… that the motive is a genuine… kindness... interest in/love for... his fellow companion in this life.

To have such ease Father...such care.

I am on a walk with You. I hold onto Your hand, as a small child at times, peeking around from behind Your leg, curiously but hesitantly at who or what is before and You coax, “It’s alright little one. Don’t be afraid. I will fix it…I will work for good, what you may have, or think you may have, or not done so well…”

So Father… I guess the prayer is…

that I… we for those who relate… would… like this gentleman… who I may have been a divine appointment… would anticipate, desire, the divine appointments You have for us.

May I…we, grow and mature so that no longer will You have to take our hand and coax us along but that we might walk in Your company, full grown and just as a matter of course, approach those situations and those people You introduce us to as something normal in the day, with confidence and easiness Your presence gives.

May it be received Father and open eyes to a love and trust in One who can be loved and trusted.

May they truly be… and may they sense… they are cared for by the people of that One.

And out of the blue, may their burdens have been lightened, their joys increased, their existence acknowledged…and they blessed.

And if it not be received Father, may seed have been planted with hope and expectation of future watering and eventual fruitfulness.

You are so wonderful Father!

May we not deny ourselves or others the blessing of Your care.

In Yeshua’s name we pray,


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