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Minchah Prayer 08-04-21

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

We thank You Father for giving us time, the precious coinage of life You give each one of us… in quantity, limited quantity, of Your own choosing… to spend according to our own choosing.

Grant us the good common sense to study the Prospectus…which is Your Word…as we survey this world’s marketplace and all it offers.

In It is documentation, a historical record of performance… what has failed, in the world marketplace, and what has succeeded.

As we examine and interpret the data Father, grant us a Spirit of discernment for what is profitable and what is not… and wisdom…and guts… to invest our limited time in product that will bring a return of infinitely valuable and infinitely lasting reward.

May the area into which we feel most comfortable and confident to spend and invest our time … be that area which offers opportunity to demonstrate our love for You and our love for one another…in which what we touch… will turn into golden heavenly treasure…

bring honor and glory to You.

As family united, brothers and sisters in Christ…

we pray in Yeshua Messiah’s name…


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