“For, through the grace given to me…to everyone being among you, not to have high thoughts beyond what is right to think, but to think to be sober minded … to each as God divided a measure of faith…as … For in one body… members many we have… Romans 12:3-4 The Interlinear Bible
“…into which things angels long to look into… 1 Peter 1:12 The Interlinear Bible
“…so that now to the rulers and to the authorities in the heavenlies might be made known through the church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord…” Ephesians 3:10-11 The Interlinear Bible
Father…our Father…in Your wisdom and that Your purposes might be done…that Your good will might be done in us, for us, and that You be glorified…accordingly You have given each of us a measure of faith… and it is in the knowledge that You have parted out what You have determined is enough faith for us where we are and for what we are doing… we should approach You and fellowship with one another.
Father it seems You allow that all things not be known to us. We have Your Spirit and we watch and listen for correct understanding and Your guidance through It.
The prophets of old were given messages meant for a generation yet to come…were the not Father…messages “into which angels longed to look”… How is it that they did not know?
Were the “rulers”… and …”authorities in the heavenlies” not waiting to witness Your “manifold (many, many sided) wisdom in accomplishing Your purposes?
How were… You going to bring about all that You had purposed for Your created beings? The host of heaven did not have a full knowledge so they waited and watched.
There was a complete and accurate knowledge of You and Your ways that was unknown and in the fullness of time…time of Your determining…it would be made known.
Never the less You have given a measure of faith to us that sustains us through times of seeming contradiction… of differences which in our minds seem irreconcilable so that we are at odds with You and with one another.
The fault lies in us Father.
But the prayer of Your servant is that we may have Your Spirit working in us to wisdom and revelation of You.
We pray in agreement with him.
Grant us discernment to know what is false doctrine… anything that preaches some other Yeshua than the one Your Word speaks of, describes a different Spirit than the One You gave, or proclaims a gospel other than the gospel of Your Word.
Grant us minds that continue to be renewed and we be transformed continually as we go, till we come to complete and correct knowledge of You.
Grant us wisdom Father to realize difference of perspective and of understanding Your Word does not necessarily imply one is correct and the other is not, especially between subjects that are Biblical and worthy of understanding but have less bearing on our lives than those Biblical subjects that are critical to our standing and achieving Your favor and our salvation.
May there not be in us such a conviction and fervor to trust our own understanding and interpretation of Your Word that we would gamble another’s salvation on it.
You are my Father.
You are my brother’s Father.
You will reveal Yourself to each as works best to his good.
Help us Father…please help us… to know what is most important to being in right, and lock step with You and with one another, and what can safely be left to a future time in which all will be made known… something to be in glad anticipation of.
If even the inhabitants of heaven do not have all knowledge, if even Yeshua Messiah is without knowledge of every detail, why would we behave as if we do?
Guide us along on this very thin line between having disagreement and fellowship and those disagreements in which we cannot…about engaging in those disagreements that inspire judgments of one another we have no authority to make… about disagreements encouraged by another spirit, maybe mistakenly attributed to the Spirit You have given and the Spirit that brings unity and motivates us to question and seek out whether or not we are really in disagreement at all.
May we be a reflection of Your perfect and good character…Your wisdom and patience… Your loving kindness.
May all our ways for living bring glory to You and help to one another…we pray…
In Yeshua’s name…