Oh Father! Oh to actually hear Your voice, introducing yourself as our Father, as the God of Avraham, Yitz’chak and Ya’akov… of all people, and to hear Yeshua’s voice responding, adding to what You just said to us, with words not confined to time and space but spanning them, “…He is not God of the dead, but of the living-to Him all are alive.”
But we do hear, Father…Yeshua… with spiritual ears, the Voice of Your Word. And we are standing there in the heat and dust of Your mountain as You speak to Moshe and standing close by our Redeemer as He instructs the instructors, and Your Spirit brings it all to life, brings it all to our ears and our understanding:
You are not God of the dead… but of the living. To You…all…are alive, the living… and those who sleep.
We pray for the comfort there is when You cause the truth of these words to become real in our minds, comfort that does not take away the pain of our loss and the sadness of our grief, but gives us the strength to endure it. Painful joy, loneliness yet comforted in fellowship, who can fathom it? But thank You Father.
Loved ones have gone on ahead, resting from their labors. None of us remaining are far behind, are we?
May we labor with love and energy, for You, Lord, and as unto You, Father, while it is still day, for…”…the night is coming, when no one can work.” Our labors will cease and we too will sleep.
Our sleep will be sweet, in the watch and keep of the One who makes alive and to Whom we are all,,, indeed alive… awaiting Your call.
You are awesome Father! You are awesome!
In Yeshua’s name we pray,
Luke 20:18 CJB John 9:4 CJB