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2nd Day Prayer

“…But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness…” Matthew 6:33 AKJV

“…narrow is the gate, and hard is the way, which leadeth unto life…” Matthew 7:14 AKJV

“…Trust in the Lord with all thine heart… in all thy ways acknowledge Him…and He will direct thy paths…” Proverbs 3:5-6 AKJV

Thank You Father for the new day.

May we not be in too big a hurry to get started.

May we understand that in the moment of wakefulness, at that moment, we have the opportunity to be thankful for life and to be sensitive to the voice of Your Spirit.

After all, things have to be right with You before they can be right in any other way.

In that moment, we call on You in trust and assurance, to guide us through this day. It is not always easy Father to do the things and make the choices, in this world, You require of us, and even harder sometimes to do so in a spirit pleasing to You.

May those moments then, be a time to review what was yesterday and what lies ahead for today and be a prayer to You for enablement.

In those moments may we consciously determine in our minds… that at the core of all the work we do and the interactions we have with people close to us and those not as close… we are going to engage so… in Your character and according to Your instructions. And whether it be easy or sacrificial either way, may we be genuinely happy to do so. Help us Father to be that way.

Father… may these thoughts shared with You, on waking, make us glad and anticipatory for the day ahead.

May You be glorified… we do so hopefully pray…

in Yeshua’s name…



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