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2nd Day Prayer

“What has been is what will be,

what has been done is what will be done,

and there is nothing new under the sun…” Ecclesiastes 1:9 CJB


Nothing men have said or done or set out to do is new in the history of mankind, or to You Father. You have witnessed it all… repeated over and over again.

“New” originates from above the sun… not below it… Dear Father…

“New” is from You… it is ongoing each and every morning, day and year.

May we try something new… for us Father…

May we surrender to You… and allow You to do a new thing in us…

through Your Living Word in us… revealing, comforting, giving courage, making us into persons who desire and are able to love You and one another.


You have been

And will be…

What You have done

Will be done…


Maybe it’s true Father that there is nothing new after all…

There has always been that wide, smooth, familiar path which we all start on, which seems right in our own minds.

Then there has also been another path… diverging off it… new only in that it is not so wide, smooth or traveled… a path if chosen will require us to “lean not unto our own understanding…” but to trust in You...

trust that the one less traveled will make all the difference…

Father bring us to that understanding and may it be the desire of our hearts to take that different path that makes all the difference because it makes all things new.


To You whose mercies are new each day…

Whose days created give reason for us to rejoice and be glad…

To You who loves us…

To You who are the Wonderful One…


In Yeshua’s name we praise and give glory and pray… to You




“The Road Not Taken”

By Robert Frost

Proverbs 3:5-6

2 Corinthians 5:17

Lamentations 3:22-23


Emphasis mine.


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