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2nd Day Prayer

We are but dust in comparison to the grandeur and beauty of Your creation. Yet all that is, is for the benefit of fellowshipping… You with us and us with You.

As we look out at this new day and the days ahead nothing has changed from the way they were last night when we went to sleep.

Everything You created and all of us are nowhere near that state of being…”and it was very good…” that it was in the beginning.

You are Good, Father.

Neither You or Your love for us has changed nor have You ever forsaken us in spite of our weakness for sin

What is right and good is given us through Your example and Your Word of instructions to us. All we need do is trust. Your ways are what are right and good and in them lies the secret to being content no matter the situation. There is good judgment and peace in that.

As we look around us these are days of prophecy being fulfilled; Wars and rumors of wars, truth has no value, justice and rule of law are no longer revered or enforced, there is little regard for good behavior, lack of restraint on bad behavior. Every physical and spiritual thing You created for good is being attacked and corrupted with seeming greater and greater success and enjoyment.

Father, may we cling to Your Word and trust in it for knowledge of what truth really is, may we use it as our source of wisdom and our guide to doing right in Your eyes.

May we be restrainers and overcomers of evil… in our own lives and in the community… through It… and may we continually find in It nearness to You.

In Yeshua’s name we pray,



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