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2nd Day Prayer

“…Mordekhai…if you fail to speak up now, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from a different direction; but you and your father’s family will perish. Who knows whether you didn’t come into your royal position precisely for such a time as this.” Esther 4:12-14 CJB.

Father we thank You for this new day.

You cast sunlight up from behind the horizon onto the clouds, lighting them on the side facing east, the side away subdued in brightness…

The sky, a clear strong blue as a backdrop…

Everything clean and moistened from an early morning shower…

Living water from above that freshens and brightens and brings to life…

Voices of song from Your winged choir perched on branches and wire…

Some voices inspired to sing out that haven’t been heard in some time.

Thank You Father that the entire world is blessed but even more so that it is a gift to each of us personally from You to us.

You are God of Armies, multitudes, universes and worlds.

But … You know each one of us individually and You have plans for our part in the things You are doing.

Father… as we go about the days of this week may we be sensitive to the voice of Your Spirit and gladly willing to obey His prompting, no matter the circumstances.

Father thank You that It comes from You personally, an expectation for us individually, because there is a part You want us to play in times like these.

Your will…will be done…

May we be blessed in knowing we were obedient…

And not suffer regret…or loss of favor… because we were not.

To the Creator and ruler of vastness yet is attentive and speaks to each of His tiny ones individually…

Thank You Father for Your mindfulness of us all…

In Yeshua’s name we pray…



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