God most high You are worthy, highest praises be unto You. Inhabit the praises of Your people God, Yahweh most high. In humbleness, brokenness, triumphant, and glorious gladness… praise… we lift to You, now and every moment of the day, in the quiet of the morning sun, rising and casting Your light across the sky above the ocean and shoreline, rays bending across the tops of mountains, chasing away every shadow and lighting up Your marvelous creation before us. We bring our praise to You as we bask in Your blessing and as we walk in hard testing. In every circumstance of our lives we lift You up and give You glory, for this is but a vapor but You are eternal and we are Your precious possession. Blessings and hard times be ways to draw us to You and know Your love for us and we praise You for them Abba. Come close, draw us close most gentle One. May we walk together through all things, our eyes on You and You alone, be the sea calm or torturous around us, safe and secure. There is nothing to fear. Worthy are You Lord and the humbling of ourselves and a putting aside of our self focus and the lifting of our voices to You in praise word and praise song from our hearts, alone and together, is our sacrifice and thanksgiving and expression of love towards You. May we seek out and take every advantage to sing and speak and think and feel, praise, to You our Maker and One who loves us. May we sing and speak the love language to You that You understand and that touches Your heart. May we sing words from the fullness of our hearts that You listen to and are pleased by. May it be our joy to and may we never miss the opportunity dear Father. Thank You Yeshua. Thank You Father. In Yeshua’s name we pray, Amen.
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