It’s a beautiful day Father and how blessed we are to wake to it.
The context for our lives is the beautiful creation You spoke into existence and then placed us in.
That alone should inspire us to a kind of joyous spirit as we rise each day, and begin anew.
Father thank You.
You have done nothing and meant for nothing, but good. We really need to appreciate that. We really need to focus on that, be grateful and in our gratitude…
think good, do good.
We have only to consider You, Your loving kindness towards us and Your graciousness towards us, a contrary and wayward people, so much self absorbed, so easy to focus on the negative… when the reality is the potential for good is everywhere.
May we live this day praising Your goodness in the midst of the troubles that are real and all around us.
May we take heart… be thankful, be grateful, be gracious… with the skill of our hands, the intent of our hearts, too, to create beauty, do good…
Look to You and commune with You with love and adoration…
treat our fellow man as the brother and sister You meant them to be.
Father…Abba Dear Father… Oh Lord…
Humbly we speak our words, share our heart with You…
In Yeshua’s name… Thank You as well, for that…