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2nd Day

“I’m gettin nuttin for Christmas,

Mommy and Daddy are mad.

I’m gettin nuttin for Christmas…

Cuz I ain’t bin nuttin but bad.”

If we got what we deserved… most likely we wouldn’t get anything.

Yehovah, Abba, gets mad when we are bad.

Why does He get mad?

Maybe a reason is that in being bad we prevent Him doing us good… which is something He takes joy in, something He rejoices in.

In a way we are taking away…maybe better said… hindering… His own joy.

Even when we are bad though, He reciprocates with good, in that He channels that anger into a disciplining that corrects us. It may smart. It may be worse than smarting. But for those, who so ever will, it restores… so that He can again…

“…take joy in them, so as to do them good…”  Jeremiah 32:41 CJB

So that He can…

“… once again rejoice to see you do well…” Deuteronomy 30:9 CJB

I am constantly amazed and befuddled that “lill ole” us can have such influence on the Creator and Power that could… force… everything and everyone into complete subjection to Himself… even do away with us altogether.

Instead, He values us, is merciful, forgives, extends grace, disciplines, and nurtures with love, doing us good… and rejoicing in it.

Father… we are humbled by Your great and selfless…Your patient love for us… and gladdened.

May we wholeheartedly be obedient to Your instructions given us in Your Word and made appropriately applicable by the guidance of Your indwelling Spirit.

May we, so equipped and guided, demonstrate Your example in whatever we do.

When we experience bad and get mad may we reciprocate with the good that could have the effect:

“…you will heap fiery coals of shame on his head…

(and from shame to conviction, conviction to repentance, from repentance to forgiveness and good… and if not…)

…ADONAI will reward…” anyway.

And may we rejoice in so honoring You and loving our neighbor.

We humbly and with tender loving, pray, Abba Dear Father…

in Yeshua’s name...


Proverbs 25:21 CJB

“I’m Gettin Nuttin for Christmas”  written by: Sid Tepper, Roy C. Bennett


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