“…fear God, and keep His mitzvoth;
This is what being human is all about…” Ecclesiastes 12:13 CJB
“…loving ADONAI your God, paying attention to what He says and clinging to Him--- for that is the purpose of your life!” Deuteronomy 30:20 CJB
“…For this mitzvah which I am giving you today is not too hard for you; it is not beyond your reach…
On the contrary, the Word is very close to you--- in your mouth, even in your heart;
Therefore, you can do it!” Deuteronomy 30:11,14 CJB
Father, may we dedicate, every day, a portion of that day, to the reading and study and prayer over, Your Word.
May it be that You impart to us, through that time and spiritual feeding, the strength needed to make the journey that lies before us…
May we not make of it something too high or too far away that we cannot find the instruction we need, to be obedient to You, in the thoughts and speech and actions of our everyday lives.
Open our eyes with understanding of the rightness and goodness in that Word.
Through it may You win our hearts, may we be moved to serve You with joy and gladness in the thoughts and speech and actions of our everyday lives.
In the course of each day be our strength, be our courage, neutralize the fear that often wells up in times of stress when we are vulnerable and in danger of stumbling… Our enemy awaits to ambush us in just those opportune times he has been waiting for.
May we trust in You, be enduringly and patiently obedient to Your Word, give You all praise and glory.
Thank You… Abba Dear Father…
We your children… do pray…
In Yeshua’s name…