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2nd Day

Father, we reach out to You each day in active, direct communication, our lips to Your ears, that is prayer.

We pour into the quiet… that is the sound of You listening and in which we trust Your presence is… words of questioning, words of request, words of praise.

We lay at Your feet our tears and laughter, our thanksgiving…  the conditions of our lives…our wills… and trust that You will pour into us calm and well being… that You will guide us into rightness… giving us words and actions to represent You well… no matter where we are or what we are doing.


Father, we pray that the intimacy we find with You in prayer would be enhanced through the revelation of Your very self that is provided in Your Word.

We have in Your Word instructions for life… and in the lives of those written about there… we see the blessings and curses when those instructions were… or were not… followed.

The wisdom and rightness of Your Ways is there in It… a constant resource for us to order our lives by.

Your patience and faithfulness not to abandon or forsake Your created beings is documented there so that we have no reason to loose hope.

And we see in It Your mercy and forgiveness towards “who so ever will”…

“who so ever will” pray, seek Your face, turn from evil ways…

Your will Father… not ours.


The sun may come up tomorrow and all things may go on as they always have Father, but for all the good and beautiful… all is not well…or as it should be…

not individually, or in families or in our communities, the nation, the world.


Come Thou Oh Holy One and heal us please.

We are in dire need.


We begin with prayer, with Your Word, seeking Your Face and turning from all that is not of You… as we step out into this new day and week.


Let Your eyes see and Your ears pay attention to the prayers of Your saints… we humbly pray…


In Yeshua’s name…




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